Michael Horn and Heather Staker of Innosight Institute have 10 predictions for blended learning in 2013. The first few predict that more blended learning in different forms will happen (e.g. more rotational models in elementary schools, more flex model prototypes). Based on research that we are doing, I have come to believe that not only are they right in this prediction, but that it is already happening at a much greater rate than any of us would have predicted.
Beyond the growth predictions, I think the two worth highlighting are:
#5: Software with “groupinator” functionality: there is huge potential for software to help teachers both analyze data and make determinations about dynamic student grouping, content, etc. We have only scratched the surface on the potential of software in this area.
#10: More cramming of technology into the existing model: We’ve seen this movie before and know how it ends – billions spent on hardware and no performance gains to show for it. The best advice I’ve heard recently to avoid cramming came from Gov. Bob Wise. To paraphrase, he advises districts to start first by defining their academic goals, then develop a coherent instructional plan to achieve them, and then and only then determine what hardware is needed to execute that plan. Sage advice.
If I have time over the next few weeks, I may put together my own complementary “Top 10″ list. Stay tuned.